But part of me just has to admire the self confidence of the woman who could wear this hat, stand tall and proud and have photos taken and posted all over the world. I so would love to have the boldness to stand in front of everyone and make my opinion known in such a bold way.
What I am surprised about is that I have not seen this opinion posted anywhere else, so here goes:
OK, Princess Beatrice is the daughter of Fergie, Fergie was not invited to the wedding, her dgts were.
Take a good look at the hat:

running down the sides? The hat just screams flushing toilet to me!! (yeah, I am pretty good with ink dot tests too..)
So, I hear ya, Bold Beatrice!! A true "Royal Flush"?
Oh, and btw, the talk of the hat goes on.... good move selling on e-bay..
even after the lovely wedding gown pics slowed down on the net.
Have a great day all, enjoy this wonderful world God gave us, and may we all care a little less about other peoples opinions and stand up a little bolder for our convictions!
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